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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Post-Winter Break

I'm hoping to renew some of my enthusiasm from early in the year.  Coming back from an extended break might give a renewed sense of openness to accepting others among the students.  We ended the year with some negativity towards forced group work.  Maybe a lot of these thoughts come from my perceptions of the problems.  If I simply focused on the groups successfully accomplishing tasks, working together well, and overall having a good time (which is probably the majority) I would think positively about the whole idea.  I guess it's hard to maintain a positive outlook when you start the year feeling a new idea will solve every issue and dilemma ever seen in the classroom.  Basically I need to step back during our second semester and focus on the positives.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Update - Kind of

I haven't done much to update my AR process as of late.  I still need to evaluate my survey results and adjust my practice based on those results.  I also am looking to gather more observational notes moving forward.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mid AR Summary

I think I can sum everything up pretty depends.  Looking over my survey results, some students preffer to work in groups, others think they get too distracted.  When I look at my notes/thoughts from the classroom, some students work great in groups while others can't stay on track with another person nearby.

I figured my findings would be consistent, full of clarity.  Well that's simply not true.  I thought I would find amazing results with student success, but it seems like it's just like previous years when I did group work casually.  The students who excelled in the past, are still excelling now: motivated students who are able to stay on track.  Those struggling are overly social and lack self control at times.  Those students in the middle seemed to be in the middle before. 

My successes have been in finding new and more creative ways to form groups, but overall it hasn't been anything eye opening or philosophy changing.

I should also include my structure hasn't bee as consistent and demanding as I realized it needed to be.  This is obviously a major factor needed in setting up group work, but it's been hard to stay consistent for me personally. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Post Conference

I feel like I saw a lot of nice stuff at the Fall Conference.  It was really cool to hear what people were doing in their classrooms.  As far as AR is concerned, I picked up some ideas about collecting data.  Other people discussed their surveys as well as other ways of collecting data.  Some specific examples: having a co-worker come in to observe and take notes on a class session, simple observation notes from a teacher, parent surveys, etc.  I feel like it was a nice chance to check in with others and have realistic conversations about our progress.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Group work has been running along.  Some bumps in the road, but definitely some successes.  I surveyed my students to find their early thoughts on working in groups and found most like it with a few still not sold on the process.  Of course many say they want to work with friends, but they're starting to understand they won't always have that option.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


How can I stucture group work to most effectively create a positive environment and increase student achievement?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Goals, Vision, Etc. for 2011-12

Thinking about the upcoming year and my action research focusing on effective group work, I'm optimistically picturing success.  I'm hoping to be standing in the classroom with a feeling of control.  Group work can be successful if I approach it in a structured, and intentional manner.  I can't allow myself to get lazy, sit back, and hope control reigns simply because I want it to.  Of course I am choosing this topic to improve student achievement and improve their overall classroom experience.  Ideally, I will reflect back on the year with the thought of my work this year leading to better success and climate than ever before. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hi Everybody,

My name is Mike Pendleton.  I'm excited for my first blog.  Thanks for taking the time to read this.  I hope to keep you updated on my journey through action research.